I am I Putu Bagus Wirasukmana, a student of Mercu Buana University from Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I am currently a 4th year student taking up Sports Science Study Program under the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. I learned about the SEA Teacher Project from my lecturer and found it intriguing. After hearing a lot of interesting information from a previous SEA Teacher, I decided to discuss it with my parents. They were supportive and encouraged me to participate in the program.
The SEA Teacher Project, also known as the "Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange in Southeast Asia," is an initiative of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO). SEAMEO is a regional intergovernmental organization established in 1965, which aims to promote regional cooperation in education, science, and culture among the Southeast Asian countries.
I Putu Bagus Wirasukmana
June 24, 2001
23 years old
Br. Dinas Antap Dajan Telabah, Selemadeg, Tabanan, Bali, Indonesia
Tertiary: Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta
Senior High School: SMA Dwijendra Denpasar
Junior High School: SMP Negeri 1 Selemadeg
Elementary: SD Negeri 1 Antap
Sending University: Mercu Buana University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Receiving University: Capiz State University - Burias Campus
University Address: Burias, Mambusao, Capiz, Philippines
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